5 Weekends over 5 Months during which we will cover the following topics:
Flight School - Get your Inversions on.
Advanced Sequencing For Teachers & Students
Deconstruct to Reconstruct - Get out of old habits and learn to realign
Breathe Work & Meditation
Advanced Adjustments
Restore & Renew- create new habits that will last a lifetime
When I created this course I wanted to offer the highest quality experience possible combining information and knowledge from my trainings and personal journey from over 2 decades. I know this course will go above and beyond your expectations.
This is 1 of 3 modules that can go towards your 300 hour Certificate if completed at Studio 108 and you may complete them at your own pace.
Price $1,400.00 paid in full or $1,499.00 financed monthly.
Non refundable.
Dates are:
Saturday 9:30-5:30​
Sunday 9:30-5:30
September 21 -22, 2024
October 19-20, 2024
November 16-17, 2024
December 14-15, 2024
January 11-12, 2025
Ignite Your Inner Fire 100 Hour Intermediate/Advanced Teacher Training
100 HR Principles of Alignment Teacher Training
100 HR Principles of Alignment Teacher Training
Master Yoga Teacher Missy White is excited to introduce the
100 hour Principles of Alignment Teacher Training. This module
is designed for yoga teachers and yoga enthusiasts. 100 hour
Certification is approved by the Yoga Alliance and can be used
towards a 300 hour teacher training program or for CEU’s.
This course will focus on going deeper and flowing with grace to
promote deep personal growth and transform your yoga
experiences and teaching on all levels. The power of this
method comes from its comprehensive and multi-disciplinary
approach to the physical, mental, spiritual and mystical aspects
of yoga. Through community, movement, meditation, breath-
work and Tantric philosophy This training aligns your mind,
body and heart, thus giving you the opportunity to connect to
your deeper self. It is a unique form of Hatha yoga that gives
people of all backgrounds and abilities the opportunity to
improve strength, flexibility and balance.
This training is for those looking to explore the joy of yoga, flow
with grace and follow your heart. It is a unique opportunity to
explore yoga more deeply so that you can help others.
Non-teachers with more than 2 years’ experience are welcome to apply to deepen their own yoga practice. Alignment based yoga is a comprehensive system to explore the asanas, restorative yoga and in depth training to explore
advanced asanas and backbends - this includes gentle yoga asanas, breath awareness, and guided meditation specifically
designed to enhance everyone's yoga practice. Using readily available props such as bolsters and blankets to gently support the body, the benefits of alignment based yoga are accessible to everyone of all ages, including those recovering from injury or illness.
Saturday 9:30am - 5:30pm I Sunday 9:30am - 5pm
The training is both educational and experiential. Lectures are combined with demonstrations of yoga poses, followed by
sessions where you experience teaching the practice and receiving it. Benefits and contraindications are covered, as well as the effect on the holistic wellbeing of our students. The training price includes a manual full of valuable and useful
information you get to take home with you.
PRICE IS $1,400 - EARLY BIRD $1,275 - non refundable
Payment plans available. Applications must be received asap as space is limited.
You will learn how to create Yoga sequences (suited for beginners to advanced),
learn the art of helping others, sequencing, and healing techniques, as well as exploring the History and Philosophy of Hatha Yoga.
This training is for yogis and yoginis with some experience practicing and instructing in either Hatha, Vinyasa, or other 200
hour certified yoga practices and for those who just want to deepen their knowledge of alignment yoga and much more!
Please contact for any questions.
Missy White's 100 Hour Master Yoga Teacher Training
100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training for Teachers and Advanced Students
As our understanding of Yoga Technology and Movement Science continue to evolve it is clear that physical health is informed by our ability to play and explore movement in diverse and various ways. Step into the infinite world of movement and explore in order to create a deeper understanding of functional mobility, dynamic flow and awareness to deepen your practice and help heal others.
In this training we have 5 Weekends to explore new ways to practice and teach each of these topics
Skills & Drills, Tips & Tricks, Align & Adjust, Strengthen & Restore, Create & Flow
9:30am - 5:30pm
January 27-28, 2024
February 24-25, 2024
March 23-24, 2024
April 20-21, 2024
May 18-19, 2024
The training is both educational and experiential. Lectures are combined with demonstrations of yoga poses, followed by sessions where you experience teaching the practice and receiving it. Benefits and contraindications are covered, as well as the effect on the holistic well being of our students.
The training price includes a manual full of valuable and useful information you get to take home with you. Upon finishing the required hours, students will be certified in Alignment Based Yoga.
$1,400 paid in full or $1,499 financed (monthly Installments). Non-refundable.
Who, What, Where:
This training will provide you with the foundation to begin to instruct or improve your own practice. You will learn How to create Yoga sequences (suited for beginners to advanced), learn the 'art' of helping others, sequencing, and healing techniques, as well as exploring the History & Philosophy of Yoga.
This training is for yogis and yoginis with some experience practicing and instructing in either Hatha, Vinyasa, or other 200 hour certified yoga practices and for those who just want to deepen their knowledge of alignment yoga and much more!
Over 5 weekends you will earn a 100 hour Alignment Yoga certificate. Of the 100 hours, you will have 85 contact hours with Missy & 15 hours to be completed through self-practice, self-study & create your own practice of teaching and sharing alignment yoga.
This training will take place at STUDIO 108
If you need help with nearby accommodation etc., please don’t hesitate to contact us!
This 100 hours can go towards a YA 300 hour TT if completed at Studio 108.
Acceptance to this training is on an individual basis after completion of an application form.
Please contact for any and all questions.
$1400 Paid in FULL or $1499 Financed (Monthly Installments) Non-refundable
Missy White
Master Yoga Teacher
About Missy White:
In 2004 after 15 years in the weight loss industry I left my corporate job and traveled to LA for an intensive
9 week Teacher Training course at Bikram's Yoga College of India. This was just the beginning of her journey, since then I have trained with several yoga teachers such as David Swenson, Shiva Rae, Cameron Shane, Ana Forrest, Desiree Rumbaugh, Duncan Wong, Andre Lappa and many others. Missy currently teaches her signature Funky Flow Master classes, Arm Balancing, Inversion and Back bending workshops as well as the 108 Asanas workshop throughout the US and the UK.
SCSU Newhaven CT (BS), Business, Management, Marketing 1985 – 1989
Bikram Yoga Certification - Bikram's Yoga College of India January 2004
Yoga 200RYT Certification August 2007
Yoga 500RYT Certification September 2011
Yoga 1000CYT Certification November 2012
Missy has been a presenter at the following Yoga Conferences:
Yoga Conferences – Presenter
Rasa-Lila Festival – Tampa
Om Yoga Conference – London
Floyd Yoga Jam
SE Yoga Conference – Atlanta
It’s Just Yoga Festival – Tampa
Om Yoga Conference - Manchester
Breathe Yoga Festival - Ft. Collins
Yoga Journal Conference - Florida
Yoga Expo - Ft. Lauderdale